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 CAD / LDraw Files / Scenes / *31 (-10)
  Oops wrong adress, here's the right one:
(URL) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, FTX)
  Re: 2nd Civ.Moc entry: Charon - Here's the correct link
(...) You're right - thanks a lot! The foldernumber-part of the adress had mysteriously dissapeared... The following link should work when the pictures has made it past moderation (if they'll accept pictures of dead minifigs :-) ): (URL) I can't (...) (20 years ago, 29-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, FTX)
  Re: 2nd Civ.Moc entry: Charon
Niels, I think the links you posted don't work.... can you post them again? Cheers, JP. (20 years ago, 29-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, FTX)
  floor and back sans edge  [DAT]
for placing models on. 0 floor and back sans edge 0 Name: rondback.ldr 0 Author: 0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom" 0 ROTATION CONFIG 0 1 1 16 -110 -396 1250 0 0 -500 500 0 0 0 -2500 0 1-4cyli.dat 1 16 110 604 1250 0 0 500 -500 (...) (21 years ago, 16-Aug-03, to lugnet.cad.dat.scenes)
  Re: Western Saloon
(...) Cheers (*clink*) Dean (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,
  Re: Western Saloon
(...) chandelier you got there! Your facade is utterly amazing! Decals are very, very cool and if there were ratings on MOCs in Lugnet, I would give this a 9/5! Keep up the good work Matt!!! Cheers (*throws empty wiskey bottle out of saloon window*) (...) (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,, FTX)
  Re: Western Saloon
here is the chandelier I used in the Saloon (URL) (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,
  Re: Western Saloon
Thank you very much. I urge you to go ahead and use what you want I'd love to see some more western style models. I considered making this a 2 level bar with a bordello above and curved staircase but opted to keep it simple and make a separate (...) (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,
  Re: Western Saloon
(...) details on the construction of the overhead lamps. Keep up the great work. Maybe do a cathouse, every town had one. Hahaha Don Lugnet#1239 GtwLUG (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,
  Western Saloon
This is the second model I have made using ldraw/mlcad. For reasons unbeknownst to me I've decided to do a western saloon. It may be because the were the last sets i actually collected and enjoyed which still maintained a bit of detail. If this (...) (21 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.western, lugnet.cad.dat.scenes, lugnet.cad.dat.models,

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