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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6212
6211  |  6213
L(EGO)Draw part discrepancies
Sat, 6 Oct 2007 19:14:19 GMT
5239 times
I have checked LEGO Universe Team parts (
against official or non-official parts when they exist, and noticed several
Could anyone who own some of these parts (I don't) check these differences and
comment? (LUT version may not match real parts, see

- 3278: Official part (70) is quite different, but... seems to better match
images of real part!
- 3496: Some differences with official 69
- 41883: part on PT is 2 ldu higher than LUT version
- 42448: Part on tracker (x230) is 5 ldu taller than LUT version
- 60219: this part seem identical to 30283 but there are 3 holes between studs
in the middle. In which set does 60219 appear?

Thanks in advance,


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: L(EGO)Draw part discrepancies
(...) against official or non-official (...) differences. (...) comment? (LUT version may not match real parts, see (...) I measured the real part and confirm that the LUT-part is correct! Matching the PT-Version (Trans-White) with the LUT-Version (...) (17 years ago, 11-Oct-07, to, FTX)
  Re: L(EGO)Draw part discrepancies
(...) hi folks, we still seek some input on the parts above. if you have the real version of those please measure/compare and let us know. w. (17 years ago, 17-Oct-07, to
  Re: L(EGO)Draw part discrepancies
(...) sorry for insisting on this but we still have no answers. if you have this parts please measure! w. (16 years ago, 4-Dec-07, to

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