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Re: L3P v1.3 20010120
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:30:21 GMT
2169 times

Awesome.  I tip my hat to you and Lutz.  :-,

I don't mean to complain, in fact I am currently trying to figure out a
solution anyways, but I thought I'd raise these issues and see if anyone
else has figured it out already.  Basically, some LGEO pieces are not
directly compatable with the LDraw parts library and need some tweaking to
come across properly after L3P-ing.

The inconsistencies I have found so far:

<part:3149> hinge 2x5 base in LDraw becomes <part:3145> tipper end after

<part:3942> cone 2x2 becomes <part:3943> cone 4x4 afterwards, as well.
Renaming to doesn't work btw

<part:4588> brick 1x1 round with fins doesn't exist in clear in lgeo, so
there's some parsing problems with the POV file...weird

<part:6536> technic axle joiner perpendicular ends up rotated 90 degrees on
the part's y axis after l3p+lgeo

It's fairly easy to fix these by hand in the POV file, but I'm not so sure
how to fix the overall situation.  Changing either the LGEO library or the
LDraw parts library would most certainly break existing models, and
requiring L3P to handle these on a piece-by-piece basis would get to become
a headache for Lars.  Unfortunately, the latter is the best solution I can
think of so far.

Actually, another possibility is for L3P to incorporate some kind of
external lookup table, in a file which can be maintained separately from the
L3P binary.  Perhaps a simple mapping from LDraw to LGEO with part number
changes and translation matrix -- any parts not mentioned in the table would
just go through as they do now, which would keep the table down to a
managable size.

Anyway, I love the changes you've made to L3P Lars; incorporating Lutz's
LGEO parts has really spiffed up my microfig collection.  :-,

- jsproat

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: L3P v1.3 20010120
Sproaticus wrote... (...) Are you sure you have got ALL updates installed properly? My L2P_ELMT.TAB is from 31-12-99 and the latest part is from 23-09-99. BTW, you can use the -d option to L3P to see the contents of LGEO's *.TAB files: (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.cad,

Message is in Reply To:
  L3P v1.3 20010120
As you can read in "The motive to L3P" it was Lutz Uhlmann's LGEO library (or rather its incompleteness) that inspired me to get started in the LDRAW business. It resulted in my L3 (Lego+Ldraw+Lars) project, which has spun off L3P and L3Lab. The (...) (23 years ago, 21-Jan-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray) !! 

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