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 CAD / 5357
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Re: L3P v1.3 20010120
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 03:26:34 GMT
1675 times
For anyone who plans on making raytraced instructions, may I suggest the

1)  Uncomment the "orthographic" keyword in the camera {} block.
   This will get rid of the perspective in the images (equivalent
   of infinite focus)
2)  Use 3 shadowless light sources, one directly to the side of the
   model, one directly in front, and one directly above.  Adjust the
   brightnesses of the lights by changing the color:
     color rgb 0.5  // half-bright white light
     color rgb 2.0  // double-bright white light
   Adjust the brightness of the lights until you get good edge contrast.
3)  Remove reflections from all the colors.
4)  If desired, use MegaPOV to add edgelines

Anyone have any other suggestions?

May I suggest that this be added as an option in L3P?  (I know that's asking
a lot considering all the work that has already gone into the app, but I
think the section at the top where you can define some globals about the
rendering would be a perfect place to put a "render as instructions"
settings and use it to set these things.

P.S.  Thanks for a wonderful conversion tool (L3P Rocks)

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: L3P v1.3 20010120
First of all, thanks for the new version! You've really worked hard to make this a wonderful utility! (...) For anyone who plans on making raytraced instructions, may I suggest the following: 1) Uncomment the "orthographic" keyword in the camera {} (...) (23 years ago, 21-Jan-01, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray)

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