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Re: Lost Tales of the Adventurers (in vignettes)
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 19:14:06 GMT
2770 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Nelson Yrizarry wrote:
[Return back to those days of yesteryear, when great Explorers dared to
travel around the world  in search of fortune and glory. A time when great
adventures lay ahead, and danger lurked behind every corner. These are the
untold stories of Johnny Thunder and his trusted friends, and also of his
enemies. These are the...]

Bravo!  Very well done, I'm sure these would sell great if Lego marketed them.

Long live the Adventurers theme!

- G

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  Lost Tales of the Adventurers (in vignettes)
Return back to those days of yesteryear, when great Explorers dared to travel around the world in search of fortune and glory. A time when great adventures lay ahead, and danger lurked behind every corner. These are the untold stories of Johnny (...) (19 years ago, 14-Oct-05, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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