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 Building / Vignette / 186
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Re: Riverdance Vignette
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:08:53 GMT
2365 times
In, Nathan Wells wrote:
   So simple, yet so funny! And well built, too! ;-) I’m still laughing...

A question: Where did those torsos come from?

Spotlighted. :-D

-- Nathan Wells

Thanks Nathan

The proto-minifig torsos are from the mid seventies, as Benjamin points out (Thanks Benjamin), and as Bruce mentions in his excellent Evolution of the Minifig essay. I have many that came with the sets I purchased back in the day.

A full proto minifig appeared most recently as Mr Boddy in Mitch Hively’s wonderful Clue Vignettes, albeit, with a different head. Those new flesh tones do look so deathly next to the classic yellow, don’t you think?

Peace and clues, Professor Whateverly

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  Re: Riverdance Vignette
So simple, yet so funny! And well built, too! ;-) I'm still laughing... A question: Where did those torsos come from? Spotlighted. :-D -- Nathan Wells (19 years ago, 9-Apr-05, to, FTX)

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