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 Building / Military / 1465
1464  |  1466
Re: Ford P65 Trigunner
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:17:00 GMT
1058 times
Hej everyone

I think these Crimson Skies MOCS are brilliant. Especially as you guys are making the “sepia” crew pictures to go along with them. I am still dissapointed that I can’t import the Crimson Skies planes into Microsoft Flight Simulator!

Anyway, I think these MOCS are worthy of their own dedicated website to showcase all the different militias on one page. Just a thought.

Keep ‘em coming.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ford P65 Trigunner
(...) You probably can, but you'd have to program them in. I don't know if any Flight Sim Toolkits or other devices exist to aid such an endeavor. Then again, it may be fortunate that they can't just be imported in form; I have a strange feeling (...) (20 years ago, 14-Nov-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Ford P65 Trigunner
Here's my first stab at a Crimson Skies MOC--haven't played the game, but I've really enjoyed looking at the official place designs & various MOCs. I've always wanted to do a twin-tailed space MOC and saw this as my change. This design stems from my (...) (20 years ago, 13-Nov-03, to,, FTX) ! 

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