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 Building / Military / 1462
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Ford P65 Trigunner
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 03:38:40 GMT
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3044 times
Here’s my first stab at a Crimson Skies MOC--haven’t played the game, but I’ve really enjoyed looking at the official place designs & various MOCs. I’ve always wanted to do a twin-tailed space MOC and saw this as my change. This design stems from my love of three planes: the Northrop P61 Black Widow, the Ford Trimotor, and the Lockheed P38 Lightning.

Plane story: After the success of the McDonnell Kestrel and the Curtis and Peacemaker, both twin-tailed designs, Ford started working on their own twin-tailed plane for patrol and especially zeppelin escort. As fortune would have it, plans for a Northrop twin-tailed fighter fell into their hands early in the design process; they adapted the plans to a Ford powerplant, modified the gun layout, and starting building with few other changes. The plane proved extremely effective in midair combat, its rear gunner and powerful engines making up for its wide turn radius.

Crew Story: Gunth’s Gryphons are a unit attached to the 3rd Air Wing of the Detroit Militia of the Industrial States of America. Captain Frank Guenther has proven himself time and again in air combat, while gunner Tony Ryan perforates anything trying to sneak up on the plane.

Model Highlights: -Folding landing gear

-Two opening canopies, including yoke-style controls in the cockpit:

-Air intake under the side engines (all right, so it’s not a highlight but I really like the feature)

Folder after moderation:

I haven’t built a prop plane since I was a kid, but I’m pleased with the results. PLMKWYT! My next project will be a smaller plane...


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Ford P65 Trigunner
(...) this is uber sweet dude... I been thinkin about this kind of stuff since i was a kid. Its funny how a silly video game can bring this out of ya... Family legend has it that the grandfather company of Kane StarCrafters run by ElKane himself (...) (20 years ago, 13-Nov-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Ford P65 Trigunner
Hej everyone I think these Crimson Skies MOCS are brilliant. Especially as you guys are making the "sepia" crew pictures to go along with them. I am still dissapointed that I can't import the Crimson Skies planes into Microsoft Flight Simulator! (...) (20 years ago, 13-Nov-03, to, FTX)

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