Another Crimson Skies-inspired MOC:
The Headhunter is a unique airplane. Famed air pirate Jack Jolly Rogers built
and rebuilt this plane around a borrowed Curtiss prototype airframe; he named
it the Headhunter because of his unique habit of, whenever possible,
incorporating new parts from the planes he shoots down. Only his obsession with
fit and finish disguises the patchwork nature of his plane, but one thing
becomes clear from a look at the plane... Rogers loves guns, and fits as many as
he possibly can in his plane.
Gallery after moderation:
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: CS Headhunter
| Wow. Lotta guns there. I think he's compensating for something, don't you? :) Nice little fighter. I'm a big fan of pusher/rear-prop designs, and you pulled off the multiple fuselage look perfectly. Take care, Soren (URL) (21 years ago, 15-Nov-03, to lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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