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Re: The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:01:04 GMT
12874 times
Hey Brendan,

More great stuff.

Blinded by the light - Well, I’ve said before that I’m not a huge fleshy fan and that I miss the old bald paul, but the new paul design is growing on me. I like the “pursuit” pic, some good movement in that one, but I really like the lighting effect in the next pics. Good use of the sleeping Ron face in 9:8-9 (though the eybrows don’t match), and I also like the floor in that. It looks like it’s a mix of your headlight mosaic and just normal snot bricks? I like the mod’ed hair on Ananias, and the guy responding to the Holy Ghost is funny in that scene. In 9:20, what’s that yellow table the scroll is sitting on? I really dig that city wall design, and the photography angle is really nice there.

Jailhouse rocked Good use of the Goldmanesque floor design in the prison. In the second pic I like the focus effect, with Peter in focus but the figures both in front and in back slightly out. That’s a freaky looking angel - I’m not sure I like those exo-force heads at all. Ooh, blue doors are pretty. Where’s that from? Or is it the one Bricklink lists as violet from the Hogwarts classroom set?

Waiting for the Worms The floor in the first pic is really nice. How’d you do that? It looks like those are half-stud offsets. Also Herod’s throne is good, too. Best effect, though, are the worms. Those are really gross looking.

Son of a Preacher Man Hmm, I’m not a fan of your Barnabas head choice - too imbecilic. I like Manaen’s head a lot - Is that a mod’ed Obi-Wan head, and later on a mod’ed Qui-Gon for the son of Jesus? Nice sideburns on this last. My favorite pic is 13:7-8. I’d like to see that Greek building in the background clearly, and your design of the toga for Sergius Paulus is really well-done. The rake thing is funny in a cartoonish way, very Side-Show Bob.

Everybody must get stoned How’d you do the flying stones? Photoshoppery? That scene is nice. I also like the stream of blood from the dragged Paul.

You Gotta Fight In the first pic, I don’t like those two torsos together. They’re each okay in other contexts, but sitting next to eachother makes this look more like a Western scene than an ancient one. I do really like the head on the right-hand fig (the blue torso/legs). Where’s that from? The black beard and HP hair on James is a good combination, and I really like the Greedo torso for Silas.

the Final Cut LOL at the extra-biblical dialog in 15:37. I like that KKII torso on Timothy’s mom, and Tim himself is a nice design. Great floor in 16:2. I like the photoshopped Jesus in the last pic, but here’s another place where I’m not happy with your choice in putting the story together. It does a disservice to the text to cut off after they’re prevented from going to two places without then mentioning that they had guidance to go to Macedonia.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
(...) Thanks, Bruce. I kind of like that you've come up with your own alternate titles for each of these stories. :) (...) That's good to hear. I think he's got a lot more character. The old face was pretty bland. (...) To get the super-bright light (...) (17 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to, FTX)

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  The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
(URL) The Brick Testament> website has been updated today with seven newly illustrated stories from the book of the (URL) of the Apostles>: (2 URLs) Blinds Saul> (2 URLs) Holy Prison Break> (2 URLs) Assassinated> (2 URLs) of Jesus> (2 URLs) Gets (...) (17 years ago, 19-Mar-07, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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