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Re: The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 14:10:28 GMT
13048 times
In, Brendan Powell Smith wrote:
   In, Bruce Hietbrink wrote:

   Yes and yes. Just a little hobby knife scraping to get those new facial hair schemes.

One of these days I’ll have to try that. I’m just afraid that I’ll ruin a head. Maybe I should start practicing with my hoarde of Harry Potters.

   That mini-scale Greek temple building is a very simple design, just using a spindled fence for the columns and a double-sloped 2x2 brick on the roof. As you may have noticed from recent stories, I now have about ten different mini-scale buildings that get recombined in different way to be the background for several different cities and towns.

They’re quite effective, though I suppose clear pics would ruin the illusion.

   You Gotta Fight

Wait, I’m not sure I get your reference for this title. You Gotta Fight... for your right to party? For your right not to be circumcised?

It was late, I was tired, and I was just trying to think of a song title for debate/conflict/fight (I’d already decided on The Final Cut for the next one).

   Hmm. Well, the next story is going to pick up with Paul heading into Athens.

I hope you recreate your microscale Acropolis. I’ll be sure to blog it on MicroBricks.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
In, Bruce Hietbrink wrote:> One of these days I'll have to try that. I'm just afraid that I'll ruin a (...) It works well and scraping off the lightning bolts makes good practice. My first "real" (as opposed to computer (...) (17 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Brick Testament - The call of Saul who is called Paul
(...) Thanks, Bruce. I kind of like that you've come up with your own alternate titles for each of these stories. :) (...) That's good to hear. I think he's got a lot more character. The old face was pretty bland. (...) To get the super-bright light (...) (17 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to, FTX)

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