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Re: The Brick Testament: Ehud and Shamgar / book signing tomorrow
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 20:24:54 GMT
5725 times
Hey Brendan,

Great stuff as always. You should do some vigs along with your chapters, btw. :)

Moabites-- 3:12 Awesome idol, esp the onion dome. King Eglon--Great fig idea. I saw the post above about the difficulty with the arms, which is too bad. I wish there was a way to make a fig like this that was sturdy enough to move around. 3:14 The upside-down baseplate works really well here, esp the stairs. Are the black and brown beards painted, or did you get those at Legoland or something? Ehud - I’m not so sure I like the black arms. Perhaps if there were black legs to match. 3:16 - I agree, those technic bits make good logs. 3:18 - the real standout in this chapter, construction-wise, is the incorporation of the bricks with technic axel holes in the floor pattern. Very nice. The throne and the red lattices in subsequent pics are also very nice. 3:23 is kind of escher-esque in that with all the snot my eyes keep wanting to make different directions “up”. And, of course, any good BT story ends with a slaughter. Again I like the jumper plate as shoulders for the guy in the river.

Philistines-- Not much here to comment on. I’ve said before that I’m not a big fan of the tubing-as-arms solution. In the first pic the raised arm looks okay, but the left arm in that and the second pic would, IMO, be better as normal fig arms.

Any chance of a future signing in LA?


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  The Brick Testament: Ehud and Shamgar / book signing tomorrow
(URL) The Brick Testament> website has been updated today with two new stories providing an illustrated account of the second and third of Israel's (URL) judges>, Ehud and Shamgar: (2 URLs) Moabites Killed> (2 URLs) Philistines Killed> (NOTE: For (...) (19 years ago, 17-Mar-05, to lugnet.announce.moc,,,,, FTX) ! 

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