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Re: The Brick Testament: Ehud and Shamgar / book signing tomorrow
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 01:42:19 GMT
5281 times
In, Samarth Moray wrote:
   LMAO Brendan!

Jg 3:12 Love the offset handle for the mouth :-)

Wow, good eye, Samarth.

   Jg 3:12,17 How’d you attach fat kings hands?

The hands are just pushed into the arms. :) It was attaching the arms that was a real pain in the butt. I used a few different methods in the different photos of King Eglon, depending on his pose. In this photo, his left arm is actually just held in place by his hand that is grasping the turkey leg, and the turkey leg is pressed into his stomach, which has a 1x1 headlight brick to hold the turkey leg. His right arm is kept in place using a a spigot piece which is attached to another 1x1 headlight brick on his backside. The whole problem with arm joints is that they don’t click into place with just about any other LEGO element, so it is more resting in place on the spigot, and held in place by the cape. As you might imagine, his arm kept falling off.

   And the use of tyres is excellent! I can see a Buckingham Palace guard there somewhere..... ;-)

I’m just keeping the Moabite headwear consitent. :) We first saw these outfit back in “The Wilderness” for Balaam’s Talking Donkey. The original place I saw tyres used for headdress was Gary Thomas’s Temple of Catur Muka.

   Jg 3:16 Burning embers are really nice.

That’s a pretty simple fire, but I did like the use of those brown technic pieces as firewood.

   Jg 3:16-17 Dunno why, this reminds me of the first Matrix movie where Neo and Trinity go in to rescue Morpheus :-P

I suppose he’s headed into a building with concealed weapons amidst a whole lot of armed guards. But he’s not exactly packing like Keanu Reeves was. And Keanu wasn’t bearing a false gift. And those tyres-for-hats are more stylish than anything in The Matrix. :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Brick Testament: Ehud and Shamgar / book signing tomorrow
LMAO Brendan! Jg 3:12 Love the offset handle for the mouth :-) Jg 3:12,17 How'd you attach fat kings hands? And the use of tyres is excellent! I can see a Buckingham Palace guard there somewhere..... ;-) Jg 3:16 Burning embers are really nice. Jg (...) (19 years ago, 18-Mar-05, to, FTX)

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