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Re: 5823 Millimy's Bedroom
Thu, 6 Jan 2000 05:01:08 GMT
6802 times
In lugnet.belville, Frank Filz writes:
5823 Millimy's Bedroom
Pieces: 33
Price: US $6.75 from S@H


light yellow kitten w/black stripes
white kitten (bonus - printed eyes)
Trans dark pink 2x4x2 treasure chest
Trans dark pink gem
Trans dark blue gem
Trans (clear) gem
Silver cup (scala type, not minifig type)
Trans yellow 1x1 cone
Trans dark pink 2x2 radar dish


Light Pink Millimy
White 1x4x2 3 lobed piece w/flower printing


Light Green(1) apple (why are most of the apples I get green?)
Light Grey-Blue 4x8 plate
Light Grey-Blue 1x2 tile w/center stud
Light Grey-Blue 2x3x2 box
2 White drawers for 2x3x2 box w/flower printing
Dark Pink Belville Hair Accessories
Pastel Green hand mirror
Light yellow small sleeping bag

(1) this is the same green as the plate in the Speeder Bike set.

This is a very simple set, but has some nice parts. I hope we will see more
of this blue (is this the same blue as in the Maersk truck?). The quantity
from this set won't be terribly useful. This set is a little pricey for what
you get, but there is plenty of useful stuff in it. The only thing which
annoys me is that the 1x4x2 3 lobed piece is printed. This part is used to
good effect on pirate ships, and I'd like to have a good source of white
ones. At least in some cases, only one side need be visible so I can hide
the printing.

Thanks for the review. I was wondering about this set though mostly "what you
see is what you get", right?

For anyone actually collecting the Millimy's, this set is absolutely a must.

Get real :-) Even people who could tolerate the stupid fairy (like me) won't
collect her ;-)

For those who want some nifty accents for their other setups, this is a
rather nice set.

Yep, I'll prolly buy it soon. I hope to find it in the construction site
without the shipping charge, so it'll be cheaper.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 5823 Millimy's Bedroom
(...) Yup, I don't think there are any parts which are not visible in the picture. (...) Note I said "For anyone ACTUALLY collecting...". Actually, I'll probably end up buying the couple 199 sets I don't have, I have so many of the Millimys that I (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville,

Message is in Reply To:
  5823 Millimy's Bedroom
5823 Millimy's Bedroom Pieces: 33 Price: US $6.75 from S@H Good: light yellow kitten w/black stripes white kitten (bonus - printed eyes) Trans dark pink 2x4x2 treasure chest Trans dark pink gem Trans dark blue gem Trans (clear) gem Silver cup (scala (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville,

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