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Pallet Truck
Sun, 20 May 2007 18:23:48 GMT
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I’ve used this contraption often enough. It’s the ideal way to transfer tons of crap, as long as it’s stuck on a pallet and there’s an even floor.

It’s supposed to be in scale with the 8416 forklift. Maybe just a tiny bit too big to be completely right, but it’s the tiniest I could get it, especially since I needed two cylinders to lift the whole thing. (Which explains why it’s shaped a bit differently than the real deal.)

Suggestions? Comments? Questions? I’d love to hear them.

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Pallet Truck
(...) Small is beautiful ;) You really capture the essence of the real thing! Philo (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Pallet Truck
I like it, a very nice legoized likeness... Thanks for sharing and God Bless, Nathan (URL) (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: Pallet Truck
(...) Very cool! So much like the real thing, and very elegantly implemented. I like your V-8 engine pallet as well. Any idea how much weight the jack will lift? I would love to put one together to try it out. I think I can figure out most of the (...) (18 years ago, 21-May-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: Pallet Truck
(...) I love this. Looks good, works, nicely photographed. Excellent. Tim (18 years ago, 21-May-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: Pallet Truck
Hey that is great! Awesome pictures! Love the lift/gif. Having used these machines in the past it was a kick to see one modeled in Lego. Good use of stud less for sure! Thanks for sharing. Eric Sophie (18 years ago, 22-May-07, to lugnet.technic)

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