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Treaded Steam Vehicle
lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.announce.moc
Thu, 7 Dec 2006 13:06:23 GMT
!! (details)
16817 times
It’s been a while since I’ve built anything Adventurer’s specific, so I took a little time last night to build a steam-powered vehicle for Dr. Kilroy.

This is a total case of form following function. My goal was to make something that looked like it would actually work, as opposed to something that looked nice.

The treads are each independantly driven, allowing the vehicle to turn. Dr. Kilroy controls the movement by increasing and decreasing the amount of steam to each piston using the levers near the base of his seat.

I’ve always pictured the Dr. as being a little scattered-brained. In this case, he got so caught up in making the vehicle move, that he forgot to include any room for cargo, or other passengers. To compenstate, he added attachments for a shovel and pick so that he could tell Johnny Thunder and crew that the vehicle was useful for excavations.

This was a fun little build. I’m hesitant to call it Steampunk, though that’s originally what I was going for. In this case though, it turned out more steam and less punk.

Brickshelf gallery:

Comments always appreciated!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Treaded Steam Vehicle
I like this! It has the rudimentary look of a new innovation, and you can almost see Kilroy's pride ;) Form has always followed function anyway ; ) I am posting a link to your post on EB (for the adventurer lovers there...). God Bless, Nathan Visit (...) (17 years ago, 7-Dec-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

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