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 Administrative / General / 12976
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admin changes
Sat, 28 May 2005 18:03:55 GMT
!! (details)
2845 times
It is my unfortunate duty to announce that yesterday, the following
admins resigned their positions:  Frank Filz, Leonard Hoffman, Kelly
McKiernan, and Larry Pieniazek.  This came as a shock.

Suzanne and I wish to thank Frank, Lenny, Kelly, Larry, and Tim for
all the time and hard work they have invested.


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: admin changes
(...) Wow. I'd personally like to thank the former admins for all of their efforts. It was definitely appreciated by me. I'd like to say more, but, for once, I'm pretty much speechless. Dave K (20 years ago, 28-May-05, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: admin changes
(...) (clenches fist toward the sky) -! e (20 years ago, 28-May-05, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: admin changes
(...) What is the current status of the transition team? Is it still intact? ROSCO (20 years ago, 28-May-05, to lugnet.admin.general)  
  Re: admin changes
To quote Moe Szyslak, "" What brought all this on? What are the implications for Lugnet? Thank you to all involved for their past and continuing service to the community. I know you've all worn a bunch of different hats, and please (...) (20 years ago, 29-May-05, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: admin changes
Whoa. I can't say I expected to see this. Good luck to all the former admins and to those that remain as well. -Dave (20 years ago, 29-May-05, to lugnet.admin.general)

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