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Re: Harry Potter LEGO- what happened?
lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.year.2002
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 13:36:18 GMT
28 times
In lugnet.general, Scott P. Costello writes:
Also, a main reason for the perhaps "targeted age bracket" of book>4 could
have something to do with the fact there's a death of a boy, age 17,
at the end.

Thanks for giving away the secret ending. Here I am in the middle of the
third book, looking forward to number 4. Just don't say who it is who dies,
although I will probably figure it out shortly through the book.

Well, actually, that's not really the secret ending.  Won't say any more.
Finish the books, and you'll see what I mean.

It'll be interesting to see what TLC comes up with, since, having read all
four books myself, (I liked them, BTW) can't find much that would be easy to
convert to LEGO bricks.

We will have to wait until the movie to see what TLC is working from, but I
can imagine elaborate castle sets, secret passages, ghosts, tons of witch
hats and brooms.

Looking forward to it.
Yep, it'll be different.  But maybe it won't be juniorized. (nah)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Harry Potter LEGO- what happened?
Also, a main reason for the perhaps "targeted age bracket" of book>4 could have something to do with the fact there's a death of a boy, age 17, (...) Thanks for giving away the secret ending. Here I am in the middle of the third book, looking (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.year.2002)

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