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Re: TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:57:16 GMT
90 times
Answer to this question Yes

Here in the UK i have found a few Technic Kits have been release again with
different packaging and Dates

E.g. Take the following set

8852 - I have 2 different Box's to this kit, one is dated 1986 and the other
i will have to look again
One is a long box like a 8843 and another is the same size as a 8444

So it has happened, i will check in my technic collection at the weekend for
any more


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"> Or, has such a re-release ever happened before?

Bye, Christian --- xTI@N.

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  TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
Hi all, although we shouldn't be optimistic becuase the small fact I found out today, I still can't wait to tell you about it! Today, I *might* have found the very first re-released discontinued set ever. It's nothing important IMHO as it's been (...) (24 years ago, 13-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo) ! 

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