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 Trains / Train Organizations / TCLTC / 181
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Re: New Year's Resolution #1: Post to LUGNET more often!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Thu, 5 Jan 2012 19:33:01 GMT
21875 times
In, Anthony Sava wrote:

   But then again I never participated in, so I guess old is relative.


Yeah, I did a few months on RTL before I joined LUGNET, but then there are those who would say that they participated on ATL, so it is relative, but it doesn’t go back much further for online oldness!

Now, if you say that you started in LEGO trains with the 4.5 volt battery system, you are a dinosaur! But if that track was blue, then wow, you are older than dirt!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Year's Resolution #1: Post to LUGNET more often!
(...) Hummm... my first train was 182 which was battery powered on blue rails... I was around for all that other stuff except ATL, which had just been abandoned. So I'm somewhere pretty near dirt I guess... Sure it nice to see everyone here though! (...) (13 years ago, 5-Jan-12, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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  Re: New Year's Resolution #1: Post to LUGNET more often!
(...) I never participated in Auczilla, but I joined Brickbay a month after it was founded. I remember when BZPower and FBTB were founded. When Brickshelf was the only place to find pictures of MOCs. Guess I'm old But then again I never participated (...) (13 years ago, 5-Jan-12, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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