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Ambassador car trade program
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:58:52 GMT
658 times
MichLTC is in the process of designing a new Ambassador car. We are thinking
of making multiple copies, as outlined in my previous notes on this topic.
Would other clubs participate in a "permanent loan" program? Loaned cars
would technically remain the property of the loaning club but the intent
would be that they would be displayed whenever the hosting club had a show.

The fragility considerations that Dan Parker referred to could be relaxed
somewhat because the cars no longer need to survive mailing more than once,
but not a *whole* lot, because they *still* need to survive transport to
shows and unlike stuff that one of your own members built, it may not be as
obvious how to reconstruct (unless the host club included instructions or
photos, not a bad idea, but it does increase time investment). I am loath to
suggest glueing them together as that means they get actual damage in a
floor impacting wreck, should one occur.

We are leaning toward a car that is somehow distinctive of our region (we
have some ideas but are not ready to reveal them yet) and would want to
encourage partner clubs to do the same, although boxcars would be fine if
you are stumped for ideas.

4 axle cars with pivoting bogies probably ought to be a requirement (rather
than 2 axle) for operational reasons, 2 axles derail, cause drag and do not
reverse as easily as 4 axle.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ambassador car trade program
I had chimed in once before about a program like this ((URL) and think it would be a great idea, I'm all for it. Besides relieving some of the back and forth around the county of the train cars, it will make for a nice "collectablity" of the cars (...) (23 years ago, 16-Oct-01, to

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