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New MTW item coming. Should it include figs?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains,
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 14:00:39 GMT
51 times
MTW is close to releasing a new design. This one will be a set that COULD come
with figs. *Should* it?

I'm leaning toward yes, and I would populate it from my stocks and from stuff
I am buying. None of the figs will be particularly rare, but they will be
different combinations of existing or recently available torsos, heads, etc.

The argument *against* is that adding figs drives up the price and people can
get figs on their own. The argument *for* is that it makes the set more
complete... and this set will be sold on eBay to mundanes as well as here.
Hmm. maybe I just answered my own question. Two versions?

Comments? posted to trains because it's going to be a train set, but FUT
market.theory as it seems to me to be a set packaging question.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: New MTW item coming. Should it include figs?
Yes, I think you answered your own question. In fact I did too, until I reread the post and retyped this post. Let the buyer choose. Julie (...) (24 years ago, 23-Sep-00, to
  Re: New MTW item coming. Should it include figs?
(...) I don't mind if there are no minifigs in your train kits(I have tons of them).To me, it's the actual model that counts (quality over quantity)-Harvey (24 years ago, 23-Sep-00, to
  Re: New MTW item coming. Should it include figs?
(...) IMO that depends on what the set is. Road N' Rail Repair comes with a fig to operate the equipment. A "pure" train car like the Blue Hopper doesn't come with a fig. There won't be any figs with my sets - the only one that might make any sense (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to

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