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 Trains / 738
  Re: economics of set 3225
(...) They are only available from Germany and USA IIRC, however I'm trying to get Busy-Bee to import them, they got the 2126 Train Cars and 2150 Retrostation sets from Germany imported from a store, when the manager phoned me (or I phoned him) I (...) (26 years ago, 4-Mar-99, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: economics of set 3225
(...) Blimey! I've just looked those sets up. 2150 is exactly the same as the station I've got, except it's red instead of yellow. That looks incredible. I want one of them as well. Oh dear. I'm not going to have any money at all soon. I'm going to (...) (26 years ago, 5-Mar-99, to lugnet.trains)

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