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 Trains / 7204
    Re: What happened to Matt's Train Depot? —John R. Clark
   Okay, so here's the suggestion. Whoever wants to volunteer to do this updating for Matt, go to the page to be updated, choose "View source," download the page to your own system, make the changes, email the new html pages and any source data to (...) (25 years ago, 3-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: What happened to Matt's Train Depot? —Matthew Bates
   (...) page (...) You're right, it's not much more complicated than that. But I know if I got back into updating it it'd suck up more than 5 or 10 minutes of my time. What I would prefer is someone takes it over. I'll email them all the files and (...) (25 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: What happened to Matt's Train Depot? —James J. Trobaugh
   Matt, Do you know the current total size of the site? jt (...) updating (...) (25 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: What happened to Matt's Train Depot? —Matthew Bates
   (...) I'm not sure exactly but it's around 10 Meg I think. Matt (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: What happened to Matt's Train Depot? —James J. Trobaugh
   Matt, I would be willing to host the Train Depot off of the North Georgia LEGO Train Club site ( I would agree to your requirements, but would like to add a small notice on the site stating that it's being hosted by the NGLTC. I think (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)

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