Re: Yet another PNTLC event
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 18:05:32 GMT
1908 times
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LOL! That is some good humor. My suggestion would be to name him "Bill", as in "Mr. Bill", the old
"Saturday Night" clay figure. Hey Mister Bill, be careful crossing the street now. Okay, Mr.
Hand. What's this? Sluggo just got his driver's license and he's out driving! But I thought he
flunked his driver's test! He did, Mr. Bill! NNOOOOOOOOOOO! @ @ *splat*
Christopher Masi wrote: 0
> John,
> LEGO Man has been spotted again and apparently he doesn't need a hospital just a little first
> aid....
> Chris
> PS. It is kinda train related because the truck is driven by a train motor beneath the road and a
> magnet attached to the truck.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Yet another PNTLC event
| John, LEGO Man has been spotted again and apparently he doesn't need a hospital just a little first aid.... (URL) It is kinda train related because the truck is driven by a train motor beneath the road and a magnet attached to the truck. (...) (26 years ago, 25-Feb-99, to lugnet.trains)
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