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 Trains / 4534
    Re: Thinking of selling my entire 9V collection —Michael Edwards
   To Scott This was not a sale!!! I stated it in your email and I will state it again, look at (URL) stated in the very first line that I might not sell the trains If it was a sale, it would be in the wrong group, all I was doing is a bit of research! (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)
        Soliciting counter-bids without intention to sell still an auction? —Todd Lehman
     (...) Hmm, was not or is not? Regardless, you seem to have (a) solicited initial offers, (b) received offers, and even (c) solicited counter-offers. (...) Judging from the responses, and from what Scott posted, it really sounds to me like this may (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains,
        Re: Thinking of selling my entire 9V collection —Mike Poindexter
    Michael Edwards <> wrote in message (...) Let me jump in here. Nobody offered you $2000 for them. They offered you $2000 plus the 952 Expert Builder tractor, which was on your wants list. Do you (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)

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