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Re: Power Function control with RCX and BrickOS
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:13:05 GMT
2721 times
Glad it worked for you and thanks for the heads up on the RCX 2.0 problems.  i
don't have a 2.0 RCX to play with so i'm not sure if it is a timing issue that
can be resolved or what.

Could it be that the long range mode of IR is not set (I saw no reference to
range setting in your source, and I don't know the default state). Despite the
difference in carrier frequency, the RCX 1.0 and RCX2.0 are able to dialog
albeit with a seriously reduced range. Perhaps it is what we see here if we are
in short range mode? I have yet to test with a 2.0.

i was very excited the first time i got my RCX to talk to the PF reciever.  i
pushed the run button expecting nothing to happen just like nothing had happend
the other 800 times i had hit the run button.  then something moved!  i screamed
so loud my wife though i had hurt myself.

Congratulation Bob! I'm impressed by your programming speed ;o)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Power Function control with RCX and BrickOS
(...) Glad it worked for you and thanks for the heads up on the RCX 2.0 problems. i don't have a 2.0 RCX to play with so i'm not sure if it is a timing issue that can be resolved or what. i was very excited the first time i got my RCX to talk to the (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jan-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics)

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