> Glad it worked for you and thanks for the heads up on the RCX 2.0 problems. i
> don't have a 2.0 RCX to play with so i'm not sure if it is a timing issue that
> can be resolved or what.
Could it be that the long range mode of IR is not set (I saw no reference to
range setting in your source, and I don't know the default state). Despite the
difference in carrier frequency, the RCX 1.0 and RCX2.0 are able to dialog
albeit with a seriously reduced range. Perhaps it is what we see here if we are
in short range mode? I have yet to test with a 2.0.
> i was very excited the first time i got my RCX to talk to the PF reciever. i
> pushed the run button expecting nothing to happen just like nothing had happend
> the other 800 times i had hit the run button. then something moved! i screamed
> so loud my wife though i had hurt myself.
Congratulation Bob! I'm impressed by your programming speed ;o)
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