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Re: Cannot access the LEGO trains web page
lugnet.trains, lugnet.general
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 19:44:20 GMT
1827 times
In lugnet.trains, David Graham writes:
In lugnet.trains, David Graham writes:
I have been unable to access the LEGO train web page for some time, I have
e-mailed LEGO but have received little reponse.
you can EMAIL Lego????, How, where, did I miss something?

I looked for contaction us...

But that e-mail address is only for the web club. They won't answer
such "trivial" questions...

But can you see the train page?

I can. It give some a flash/shockwave movie thingie. Maybe your browser
doesn't have that. It's not so cool anyway...

Good look,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cannot access the LEGO trains web page
(...) I looked for contaction us... But can you see the train page? (25 years ago, 25-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.general)

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