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Announcing the NWBrickCon™ 2004 Dirty Brickster Event
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Fri, 3 Sep 2004 17:26:36 GMT
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450 times
The Dirty Brickster is a fun and exciting event where each participant
contributes a LEGO® related item worth approximately $10.00. Each contribution
is wrapped to hide the contents from other participants. Each participant
receives a number and the game begins with the person who has the number "1."

When it is your turn, you have a choice to make:

(1) you can select a wrapped item from the pile and open it or,
(2) you can "steal" one of the already opened packages.

The second choice often results in the exclamation "You Dirty Brickster!!"
giving the game its name. If someone steals your item, you immediately get a
turn (choosing to open another item or "steal" another opened package). You
cannot steal back from the person who just stole from you. Each item can be
stolen 3 times before it is no longer available to be stolen again.

Finally, the person that drew the number "1" gets a last chance to steal a
package. This might lead to a final round of stealing and ends only when
everyone is satisfied or when all packages have been stolen three times.

So, if you would like to participate, bring along a wrapped LEGO® related item
valued at about $10.00 and watch the schedule for date and time.

Non-participants are encouraged to watch the fun.

Wayne Hussey

NWBrickCon™ 2004

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Announcing the NWBrickCon™ 2004 Dirty Brickster Event
(...) [SNIP] I've participated in both the BrickFest PDX and BrickFest 2004 Dirty Brickster events, and would have to say they were both highlights from each event. I'd recommend everyone spend the measly $10 to participate. From a practical (...) (20 years ago, 5-Sep-04, to

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