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 Trains / 22074
  Re: Rail ferry 12v
(...) The wait for pics was worth it! (...) I have to agree with Arne, this is a very very detailed and eye-candy rich model! In addition to all the stuff about the ferry itself to like, I like that you did the red/white Danish passenger train as (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Rail ferry 12v
(...) Ehm, aren't the middle cars of that red and white IC/4 turned around? I remember these trains with the doors next to eachother between car 1 and 2 and between car 3 and 4. (...) While I discovered Danmark a bit too late to sail this ferry (I (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Rail ferry 12v
(...) Hi Niels! You are absolutely right! I accidently turned around the middle cars when I had to put the train togther for the photos.:) The real rail deck was blue like you remember, so thats why I used the blue traks. Henrik (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains)

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