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8 wide? was Re: Box Cars
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 21:31:35 GMT
2298 times
I hereby do admit that 8 wide CAN look good. John showed me a boxcar he
has been working on, it has a FRED in the end, integrated grab iron
ladders, sliding doors, separated roofwalk, and a whole bunch of other

It looked really good. It also reminded me a lot of a G scale boxcar.
Really very nice work.

However... they are just not practical as 8 wide does not scale well
with minifig scale. This is the same reason I build my cars 4 wide even
though only one minifig can sit in each row.

So don't go in the 8 wide direction. The dark side can be deceptive.

John Neal wrote:

"Thomas P. Rafert" wrote:

8 wide !!!  The idea has crossed my mind, do I dare crossover?
Larry Pieniazek
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 8 wide? was Re: Box Cars
Very gracious of you to say so, Lar. Thank you...I think. All of this talk about the dark side makes me feel like Darth Wider or a Girth Maul;-) BTW Lar, what is keeping your pants up these days? You left your suspenders on my train layout! {:^D I'm (...) (26 years ago, 13-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains)

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  Re: Box Cars
(...) Never know until you try;-) (...) (26 years ago, 11-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains)

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