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Re: Box Cars
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 23:14:34 GMT
1614 times
Thomas P. Rafert wrote:

It's the black door that comes in the Bandit's Secert Hideout
I'm sure it comes in some other sets but that's the first one I thought of.
It also comes in pink in a paradisa set Cabana Beach
and I think a blue one in the Guarded Inn.

What other colors of that door are there?


In lugnet.trains, Simon Robinson writes:
Err - I still haven't figured this out. 3.5 x 4 x 5 sounds like a huge brick.
The nearest doors I can think of are 1x4x5.



In lugnet.trains, Christopher Masi writes:
I took me forever to figure out what you were talking about! I am interested • in
seeing the results.


Frank Filz wrote:

I haven't noticed this one yet (but someone has to have discovered it • before
me), has anyone else noticed that the 3.5x4x5 rectangular doors (which hang
on the 1x1x2 brick) work in the sliding door rails? I'm going to build a • box
car using these. They're a little narrow for a single door, but look nice • as
a double door.


  i also have seen clear, red and white in various town sets.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Box Cars
It's the black door that comes in the Bandit's Secert Hideout (URL) sure it comes in some other sets but that's the first one I thought of. It also comes in pink in a paradisa set Cabana Beach (URL) I think a blue one in the Guarded Inn. What other (...) (26 years ago, 10-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains)

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