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Doors (Was Box Cars)
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 15:59:52 GMT
2059 times
There's also a 1 black in 6062 Battering Ram
2 blue in 6355 Derby Trotter
2 red in 1592 Town Square
1 pink in 6419 Rolling Acres Ranch
1 black in 6080 Kings Castle
There's some white ones in a train set that I can't remember the number
or name of right now.

Can someone name a set with the Brown ones? I'd like to get a couple of
those if possible...
The red have to come in more sets though I can't think of any more off
the top of my head.

I added them to the list below so we'll have them all in one place..

note: it looks like 6418 Country Club has 2 half doors in pink

"Thomas P. Rafert" wrote:

Copied from

Large Door for 1 X 1 X 2 shutter piece

Seen in at least 10 sets:

           4 in 374 Fire Station
           2 in 1592 Town Square
           2 in 361 Garage
           2 in 730 Building Set
           2 in 6379 Riding Stable
           2 in 6355 Derby Trotter
           1 in 6067 Guarded Inn
           2 in 6769 Fort Legoredo
           1 in 6761 Bandit's Secret Hideout
           1 in 6062 Battering Ram
           1 in 6080 Kings Castle
           4 in 585 Police Headquarters
           4 in 588 Police Headquarters
           4 in 590 Engine Company No. 9
           2 in 6410 Cabana Beach
           1 in 6419 Rolling Acres Ranch

And I'm sure there is a blue one in The Guarded Inn.
Probably a few more elsewhere too.

Sure would be nice to get a hold of some of those, oh well guess I'll improvise
for now. :-)


In lugnet.trains, Scott Edward Sanburn writes:
The yellow ones came from set

Scott Sanburn

Jonathan Wilson wrote:

Colors I have seen: Brown, Black, Red, Yellow, Clear, Blue, Pink(!),
Original Gray (not the darker gray) and (I think) Clear Yellow.

i have not seen the yellow,brown or grey. which sets did they come in?

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Doors (Was Box Cars)
(...) (26 years ago, 11-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Box Cars
Copied from (URL) Door for 1 X 1 X 2 shutter piece Seen in at least 10 sets: Red 4 in 374 Fire Station White 2 in 361 Garage 2 in 730 Building Set Blue 2 in 6379 Riding Stable Black 2 in 6769 Fort Legoredo 1 in 6761 Bandit's Secret Hideout Clear 4 (...) (26 years ago, 11-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains)

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