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Re: ROUNDHOUSE builders Rejoice
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:01:01 GMT
1259 times
Wayne Sardullo wrote:

The only way I can think of solving the problem would be to have the turntable
wheels running on 12v.  This way you would have two controllers one for the
turntable and one for the two rails above.

Sorry for the delay..

Jason you are right however, the solution is even easier then that by adding a
12v conducting rail the the center of the 9 volt track. I didn't post lastnight
about this because I do not have any 12v conducting rails or an old 12volt
motor. I did have a set from my old 7740 that I bought a few years ago but, the
track and motor were in such crappy shape I gave it away to one of the other
members in the group.

I sent an email to that person and hopefully will be able to gets the
conducting rails back. Anyhow the solution is as follows. Only hit for this
project is a 12volt train motor that DOESN'T work.. That is the catch..

Anyhow, all you have to do is add 12v conducting rails to the 9v track then
with two polarity switches make two leads one to the track of 9v and one to the
other of 12v... Since you want 9v to the center rail some slight conversion
with have to be made with the connectors and pins but, I have scrap wire and
pieces that will work.. Then take the NON-working 12v motor and crack it open.
(remember should be a broken one) Make sure the contact pickups are working and
remove the motor. Then make another 9v to 12v connector with the 9volt track
connector and pin conversion, plug it in to the 12v motor and run the wire up
to the deck of the 9v straight track.. make a mini train on the curve tracks so
the 9volt motor (pulls) the 12v motor around keeping the connectors on the
center rail.

This is really a Rough Design but, it should work very well. Once I get all the
pieces I need I will post the final product and plans to you.  I might have
another simpler solution for the 12v contacts. It might be possible to get one
of those 12v contact pickup services packs and build a small housing on the
back end of one of the 9v motors. Eliminating the need for a 12v motor.

I'd actually like to get some of the other gurus on this to see if those
services packs are a viable solution rather then the motor itself.

You will also have to modify the 12v conductor rails to be able to
attach them to 9v track. They have protrusions on the underside which
interfere with the studs on the 9v ties (remember, 9v track has half the
tie spacing that grey era 12v track has, and four times the tie spacing
that blue era 12v track has).

There are 12v contact pin blocks which connect to the old 4.5v motors
(which were also available in the blue era with 12v motors for 12v
trains). It may be possible to use these contacts, though my attempts
weren't too successful.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: ROUNDHOUSE builders Rejoice
(...) Sorry for the delay.. Jason you are right however, the solution is even easier then that by adding a 12v conducting rail the the center of the 9 volt track. I didn't post lastnight about this because I do not have any 12v conducting rails or (...) (22 years ago, 20-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains)

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