Re: PNLTC Website Reaches 100,000 Hits!
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 00:18:20 GMT
659 times
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Just for historial sake, it started like this...
Ben Fleskes drove from Portland to Seattle to visit Will Chapman during his
solo effortLEGO train layout. I think Will had done a few of these prior to
this one. At Will's layout Ben met Dan Parker and struck up a friendship.
Sometime after Will's show Steve Barile spotted Ben's photo* on Will's web
site that had a caption "Ben from Portland". A few days later they met for
lunch at Wendy's in Portland. Ben, Dan, and Steve had like goals and
aspirations and came together to form PNLTC, the first official LEGO train
club**. The first order of business was to build a layout for the Portland GATS
( on October 1997. Ben
designed the modules and proposed the (current) name for the club. We built
tables and had a trial run in Ben's living room
( Shortly there
after Will decided to join in. From a match making roll, Will is the grand
father of the club! As we continued to have shows we met/converted more LEGO
train heads and the club grew from there.
As for who was doing pre train club layouts, I know of Conan(GMLTC) and
*I can't find Will's pictures of his pre-PNLTC train layout and Ben's
youthful mug.
**The LEGO Group of companies did not sponsor, authorize or endorse us
either, and still don't. :)
In lugnet.trains, Jeremy Rear writes:
> Tick-tick-tick...That's the sound of PNLTC's site counter tilting 100,000 hits!
> The Pacific Northwest LEGO Train Club is proud to announce that the
> 100,000th visitor viewed our site today at approximately 3:21 p.m. Pacific Time.
> The current PNLTC website has been in operation since 02.01.98. That's an
> overall average of 60.9013 hits per day for 1,642 days! :-)
> Our History - The Pacific Northwest Lego Train Club had it's humble
> beginnings in early 1997, as one of the first LEGO train clubs in the world.
> Ben Fleskes and Dan Parker decided to build a LEGO train display at a model
> train show. In short order, Steve Barile joined the group. In the very
> beginning, it looked like an overwhelming task. And it was. Within 8
> months, we had created a unique train display measuring 15' x 18' and made
> our premier showing in Portland, Oregon at the Great American Train Show
> (GATS) in Portland, Oregon. (also at:
> The talents and innovativeness of each individual in PNLTC make it one of
> the most influencial LEGO clubs in the World.
> PNLTC proudly consists of the following members (In order of memebrship date):
> Ben Fleskes James Mathis
> Dan Parker Carrie Witcher
> Steve Barile Rick Clark
> Will Chapman Matt & Lisa Chiles
> Ken MacIntosh Chuck and Andy Frame
> Scott McClellan Wayne Hussey & Terry Walter
> Jon Rasmussen Allan Lucas
> Tom Rafert Tony Hafner
> Jeremy Rear Mark Hafner
> Dave VinZant Gary & Ian Gerdes
> Kim Toll Paul Consani
> Dwayne Towell Bob Trollinger
> James Powell Frank Filz
> Please visit our website at for more information about our
> club, and be sure to take a tour in one of our galleries!
> Thanks for everyone's support!
> jeremy rear
> pnltc member since 1998
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: PNLTC Website Reaches 100,000 Hits!
| ...snipped... (...) ...snipped... First off, congrats. You've been a wonderful example for clubs all over. The PNLTC has certainly been the mentor and model for a great many of Lego train clubs. You may have some trouble with the first club claim (...) (23 years ago, 1-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | PNLTC Website Reaches 100,000 Hits!
| Tick-tick-tick...That's the sound of PNLTC's site counter tilting 100,000 hits! The Pacific Northwest LEGO Train Club is proud to announce that the 100,000th visitor viewed our site today at approximately 3:21 p.m. Pacific Time. The current PNLTC (...) (23 years ago, 31-Jul-02, to lugnet.trains) !
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