Re: Did you use saw to cut tracks?
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:50:22 GMT
1037 times
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Xacto (Sp?) produces a fine tooth rectangular saw that is designed for hobby
work. I used one for cutting HO train track before my LEGO train days. I don't
know if this is available where you are. Go to a hobby shop and get whatever is
used to cut non-LEGO model train track
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Did you use saw to cut tracks?
| I am going to cut my tracks for my automation train layout, has anyone used saw to do this? I want to know which kind of saw is the best for this special task. Until now, I am using tape to isolate tracks, but this will let distance of isolation (...) (23 years ago, 29-Oct-01, to lugnet.trains)
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