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Re: Boomer in Saturday pictures of MICHLUG/LTC at GATS
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 02:56:31 GMT
944 times
In lugnet.trains, Mark or Milissa Millère writes:
Whose Boomer is this? (Navy term for FBM (fleet ballistic missile)

It's mine

FWIW, the original boomers were 425 feet long and the new Tridents are 560
feet long, I know selective compression. The length may be more suited for a
fast attack, which is ~300 feet long, but then again, you have the flat back
of a boomer.

I had to shorten it for the area I was given.

Even though the new trident missiles can reach their targets from port, we
would never launch them in port.

It's not in port. :)

Now, if you are telling me they are loading the ICBM

b. Where is the hatch cover?
It's on the reverse side of the missile

This is meant to spark discussion and not discontent.
Besides, it is not often I get to show off some of my knowledge (6)

It can spark lots of discussion. Not many naval vessels are seen on LUGNet

(1) Sorry, former boomer sailor, aka "bubblehead"
Boomer. hehehehhee. Typhoon's are bigger then the ones you said though :)

(2) First sub note!
(5) Sorry, that depth is classified! If I told you I would have to kill you.
I already know it's below 1500 meters (feet? i get tose mixed up)


Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: Boomer in Saturday pictures of MICHLUG/LTC at GATS
Rick wrote, snip (...) Actually, it depends on how you look at it :-) Russian Typhoon Class US Ohio Class Crew 160 154 Dimensions 6 built, 4 active 18 built, 18 active Length 172 m, 560' 560' Beam 23.3 m, 75' 42' Displacement Surfaced 23,200 tons (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Boomer in Saturday pictures of MICHLUG/LTC at GATS
Snip The ICBM missile! (URL) Boomer is this? (Navy term for FBM (fleet ballistic missile) submarine)(1)(2) Being (1), I really appreciate seeing a representation of the Navy rarely seen. Some constructive points (my 0.02 cents) or 3...(3) FWIW, the (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains,

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