In lugnet.trains, James Trobaugh writes:
> Congrats on the first place finish.
> I noticed that this show you had the plexiglass up, how did you attach that
> to the tables? I know that you are not using custom tables, but just the
> standard issued banquet tables, so I'm curious how you got the glass to >attach.
Drat, I KNEW there was something I forgot to take better pictures of.
These are amazingly clever, worked out great, and are highly recommended.
Bear with this verbal description. Credit goes to Steve R. (this was his
maiden show and he ROCKED the place with his stunning engine facility as
I've been mentioning... The pics I am uploading to Brickshelf as we speak
give more detail on his roundhouse and turntable construction) for the
building of these.
OK, here goes.
1. Take a binder clip, a big one, that has a 1 inch open when fully opened.
2. Bend off one of the clip levers and unroll the central rolled up part so
it's flat metal and sticks out farther
3. Cut off the outer parts at 45 degree angles. This leaves the central part
sticking the farthest out...
4. remove any burrs
5. Screw this clip (through the back part, so both open flanges face out) to
a 2x2 that is straight and not very knotty. The bottom clip handle should be
a tiny bit below the bottom of the 2x2.
6. Take a piece of plexi, 9ish inches high, and another 2x2 and make a
sandwich. Screw another clip to the other end
To install, use the bottom lever and the point of the top to attach to the
end of the banquette table. When you have several lined up, put plastic
glass trim on the tops, overlapping the joints to make a continuous run.
Staple the tablecovers GATS gives you (ripped in half the long way with a
razor or scissors, this goes really fast if you have two people holding the
cloth) to the outer 2x2.
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