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 Trains / 11273
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Re: PNLTC at Legoland, CA
Fri, 18 May 2001 20:18:38 GMT
1030 times
Ambassador train cars is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion! It totally
slipped my mind (maybe even get the PNLTC car there this time).  I'll pass
it along to the club and see if anyone has the time to put it together.

In lugnet.trains, Adrian Egli writes:
Question:  am I correct in assuming they are going to put up a Kidvention 2?
Last year, all the clubs put in some sort of train car representing their
club, same this year?  Very interested :-)

Southern Cal Lego Train Club
"Yea, yea, took us long enough"

"Steve Barile" <> wrote in message
We are proud to announce that PNLTC will be setting up their best layout
ever at Legoland, CA on Aug 4 & 5 (Sat/Sun). Many of the members will be
there and we invite everyone to come down and check it out! The current • plan
is to be located on the model shop roof, the same spot that GMLTC set up • at


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PNLTC at Legoland, CA
Question: am I correct in assuming they are going to put up a Kidvention 2? Last year, all the clubs put in some sort of train car representing their club, same this year? Very interested :-) Adrian, Southern Cal Lego Train Club "Yea, yea, took us (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-01, to lugnet.trains)

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