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  pictures from Wamalug's April 1st meeting
A bit late, but here's the few pictures I took from WAMALUG's meeting on April 1st. The train point of interest would be the implementation of a Dogbone loop, designed by Tom Cook and myself :) (URL) Dan Boger / / / (...) (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: pictures from Wamalug's April 1st meeting
(...) I love that red GE 44-tonner, esp. with the yellow 'stripes'in the frame. -Harvey (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: pictures from Wamalug's April 1st meeting
(...) I believe that is another fine creation of Bob Hayes. :) (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: pictures from Wamalug's April 1st meeting
(...) Dan - Cool. So the polarity switches are motorized 5120s controlled by an RCX's light sensor inputs? Are there two inputs and two outputs used on the RCX? How do you limit the length of time the 5120s receive power from the motors? Is that a (...) (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: pictures from Wamalug's April 1st meeting
(...) the 3 polarity switches are run by the 3 outputs of the RCX, with 2 inputs used for light sensors. The construction of the polarity switches is so that the timeing on the motors isn't important - the only reason they're timed is to reduce wear (...) (24 years ago, 11-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)

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