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 Trains / 10139
    Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Steve Chapple
   (...) Having spent a great deal of time on the Supertrain layout, this is something I'm very interested in. A couple of 100' long straight segments with a town and one end and an industrial area at the other was what comprised our "main loop". I've (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Sonnich Jensen
      SRC <> wrote in message (...) Good question. Still I think that the first one is usually used for trams, the second not used much at all, and the third one being a track with a run-around (as they (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Jonathan Reynolds
     (...) There is no rule to say that a dog bone style layout should be in the shape of a dog-bone! A far more common MR arrangement is to run the centre double track section around a room or double back over itself at a higher level. You get more (...) (24 years ago, 10-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) The definition of a "dogbone" is an oval that has been pinched in the middle so that the two sides of it are close enough together that they look like double track... then stretched to quite a bit longer. That's the key idea... it could have (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Frank Filz
     (...) Assuming there's another end, I would say that Dog1 is a valid end of a folded dogbone. If you unfold the loop, it's just a dogbone where the double track comes out of the center of the loop instead of at one edge. Of course like Larry says, (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) Yes, I agree. Realised it after i posted but got sucked into something else. (...) And what makes an interesting/convenient arrangment for a show may well be very different from what makes an interesting arrangement for a home layout. At a (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Track Designer (was: 'Dog Bone' - definition) —Manfred Moolhuysen
      For the benefit of the "What might be a good track layout" discussion and for sharing track ideas amongst eachother, I reccomend the use of the "Train Depot Track Designer", a great Windows program by Matthew Bates for drawing Lego track layouts on (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
          Re: Track Designer (was: 'Dog Bone' - definition) —Larry Pieniazek
      (...) This program is invaluable. Saves a lot of wear and tear on the knees when setting up fun layouts for the kids, saves a lot of redface at shows when things don't line up right. Highly recommended. (2) Note that SRC's pics he posted asking (...) (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
          Re: Track Designer (was: 'Dog Bone' - definition) —Ross Crawford
      (...) So is there any active development? I for one would like to see a Linux version, and would be able to provide some help in porting it. Is that a possibility? ROSCO (24 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Frank Filz
     (...) Absolutely. My aborted HO layout had an oval of track with a switchback line climbing a mountain (it was developed for a 5'x9.5' space in my apartment, so a dogbone type design just wasn't going to work, but I worked out a pretty nice scheme (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Steve Chapple
      (...) Stop with the good ideas - I already spend too much time tinkering. 8-) (...) HOG - Hand's On Grabbing??? (...) You mean like something like this? (Supertrain2001 layout) :-) (URL) (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
          Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Frank Filz
      (...) Hey, I just want some one else to go through the work of trying it out... (...) Hand of God. (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —James Brown
     (...) I was thinking about this a few days ago (the whole auto vs HOG thing), so I wandered over to where I could sit in my car & watch some of the on-site rail ops at work for lunch.(1) Coupling/uncoupling - manual. Loading/unloading - all (...) (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Steve Chapple
   (...) Ah - OK Then would this be a single or double dog-bone? (URL) (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) A double dogbone would be if the whole dogbone was double track, I think. That means including the end loops... one nested inside the other ++Lar (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)

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