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 Trains / *23090 (-5)
  Re: Introducing JetRed
(...) I believe that no one has the right to criticise another person's work and marginalize their efforts. I don't believe that Gregory was whining and making a stink about his train models. Mr. Pieniazek has a history of marginalizing other (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)  
  Re: Introducing JetRed
(...) And some people around here put too high of a value on written praise. Or, they flip out when a response isn't 100% positive. Instead of gaining recognition by persisting, they whine and stink about it, turning people off to them. .02 -Tim (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Introducing JetRed
You're not alone in this Gregory, I had also in the past posted pics of my MOC's, only to have the snub-nosed critic shout me down too. I eventually got out of 9V trains, not only was it a drain on the pocketbook...but some of the people around here (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Introducing JetRed
Lar Wrote (and I snipped) "exciting new build techniques" ... I like the use of the 4x4 tiles (w/4 studs) on the roof. It breaks up the lines nicely. Does the powered truck clear the over hanging nose? BTW I think the best indication of response (or (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: inspired by jet red
(...) I am so glad something good might actually come out of that fiasco. I can't wait to see what kind of creation you are going to come up with but it sure sounds interesting. (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)

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