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 Trains / 21204
21203  |  21205
Re: inspired by jet red
Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:11:19 GMT
1636 times
In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:
coming soon
Blue Sky

walking to work I was thinking about having more fun with lego and inspired by
the Jet Red series I thought of my next project. I won't say any more beyond the
fact that it will be futurific and will involve trains and plane ( and maybe
boats) hopefully it won't take as long as my current real-life inspired


I am so glad something good might actually come out of that fiasco.  I can't
wait to see what kind of creation you are going to come up with but it sure
sounds interesting.

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  inspired by jet red
coming soon Blue Sky walking to work I was thinking about having more fun with lego and inspired by the Jet Red series I thought of my next project. I won't say any more beyond the fact that it will be futurific and will involve trains and plane ( (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)

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