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 Trains / *22875 (-5)
  Re: quick write-up of our Roadshow weekend
(...) Sorry! I think it started Wednesday last week. If you're looking for something in particular, contact me offline and I'll see what I can do. This might give me a good reason to stock my Bricklink store! *grin* JohnG, GMLTC (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: quick write-up of our Roadshow weekend
(...) WHAT?!!!! I was just there two weeks ago and there was no Pick-a-Brick at all! I don't live anywhere near that mall, so going to the LEGO store at all is a huge big deal. I am now very unhappy. Thanks for ruining my day! >-@ (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: quick write-up of our Roadshow weekend
(...) Yup - they thought the tanks weren't "appropriate" for a Lego display... But I had another nice gentleman (who I suspect was in a tank crew at some point in his life) asking about a couple of the tanks, and commenting on how well they were (...) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: quick write-up of our Roadshow weekend
(...) What where they complaining about? Just the fact that they were tanks? (...) So is the PaB at the MoA LIC like the one in Orlando where you fill the cups or did they actually sell it by weight? jt (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  quick write-up of our Roadshow weekend
We survived, we had a blast. And I didn't even take any pictures... (But John-3 took a couple, we'll get 'em posted somewhere!) The Roadshow event was set up in two different areas of the Mall of America. Three of the four stations were at the west (...) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)

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