| | Re: more mocs
(...) Is there any chance you can deep-link a few teaser pics so we don't have to wait as long to see your lovely creations? Boy. It looks like Aaron has been a very busy body!!!) :) Ben (21 years ago, 26-Aug-03, to lugnet.town, lugnet.trains)
| | more mocs
Still loading and after moderation are: Alpine express modifications (URL) (lego version of Stonehenge) (URL) (my first bridge attempt) (URL) wall (why should humans have all the fun) (URL) (Fire trucks based on the unimog truck) (URL) is a deep (...) (21 years ago, 26-Aug-03, to lugnet.town, lugnet.trains)
| | Re: LDCC and RCX gizmos (long)
(...) with (...) IR (...) locos. (...) Whoops, I meant to comment about this, too. LDCC responds to the message 1, 2 & 3 buttons from the remote. The remote uses LASM opcode 0xD2 to send these messages. However, there is another opcode, 0xF7, that (...) (21 years ago, 25-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
| | Re: LDCC and RCX gizmos (long)
(...) Is there a way with the standard firmware to receive and process arbitrary packets, even those wrapped in the standard Lego IR protocol (as LDCCIRP is)? I'm thinking you may need to use BrickOS for this application. (...) include: (...) list (...) (21 years ago, 25-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
| | Re: DCC slowing?
(...) I was thinking that one could make the seal with a thin foam gasket to allow air to still move somewhat freely (...) I was thinking of this as well...just a matter of finding such an item. (...) Sounds good to me! I did some testing on my (...) (21 years ago, 25-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)