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 Trains / *22795 (-5)
  Re: DCC slowing?
(...) I was thinking that as long as we are modifying the motors in a manner to perform better, I was looking at the possible places we could open the motor box to allow ventilation for the motor. Perhaps we could cut a hole on the bottom directly (...) (21 years ago, 22-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: buying parts at LUGOLA meeting - September 6, 11-4
Sheesh! What a doufus... Store link: (URL) really cares about my -Dave (21 years ago, 22-Aug-03, to,,
  Re: buying parts at LUGOLA meeting - September 6, 11-4
Hi All! Regarding parts for sale at the September meeting, let me point out that those attending the meeting are encouraged to visit my little shop on Bricklink: (URL) mention that you are attending the meeting in the comments box and I'll gladly (...) (21 years ago, 22-Aug-03, to,,
  Re: DCC slowing?
(...) At the Indianpolis LEGO Road Show this past Friday, we ran the same layout as John referred to at the top of this thread. All the heavy locos that ran the outer loop experienced the exact same symptoms as he mentioned above, to the point where (...) (21 years ago, 22-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: New train MOC and Orange passenger car
(...) What I meant was: Maybe you can use the simple bricks at the ends of the roof, if you're just a bit short of the more sophisticated ones. (...) Yes, If all goes well. I've registerd for all 5 exibition days of the event, but not for the (...) (21 years ago, 21-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)

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