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 Trains / *22690 (-5)
  Re: DCC slowing?
"Brian B. Alano" <> wrote in message (...) over-heating. Also the bottoms of 10025 and 10022 seem to rub. I've had to replace some plates so i made them tiles... Randall Lee Crabtree (...) (21 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: DCC slowing?
(...) The track was powered by a RCX. Also we only had 1 engine running and experienced this problem. mark (21 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: DCC slowing?
(...) What was supplying the power to the track? An RCX or a commercial DCC controller? If an RCX running LDCC, it may have been the RCX over heating. ROSCO (21 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: NWBrickCon 2003
(...) Glad to hear it. I'll be working on the website tonight with Mark Neumann. -Grand Admiral and Keeper of Fleebnorks (URL) "Adopt a fleebnork. They're DYING!" -Sally Struthers (21 years ago, 13-Aug-03, to, lugnet.general,,, lugnet.castle, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: New German Diesel Locomotive
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke wrote: Snip a bit of intro (...) Thank you and others for the nice compliments to the BR 252 model-- now I know its number designator. (...) I learn more from you, again. I didn't know this. (...) Anton tells (...) (21 years ago, 13-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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