Re: Library Scenes
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:29:55 GMT
1364 times
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In lugnet.announce.moc, Marc Nelson, Jr. wrote:
After seeing the great library-themed creations from
Bruce Hietbrink and Lenny Hoffman, I was motivated to take pictures of a couple of MOCs based on
scenes from the library where I work:
Id love to know what you think (especially any fellow library workers out
there), and I hope to see some more library-themed MOCs!
Marc Nelson Jr.
These look great. But one problem the books are all the same size, in a real
library that would never happen. Dont know about your library but we get
yelled at for bringing a chair to the circ desk, heck we get yelled at for
having books on the counter and shelves behind the circ desk.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Library Scenes
| (...) Thanks for your feedback! (...) Depends on what part of the library you're in. Let's assume the page is in hardcover fiction... yeah, that's the ticket. And, um, my coworker and I are only scanning the paperbacks. Yup. Seriously, you make a (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Library Scenes
| After seeing the great library-themed creations from (URL) Hietbrink> and (URL) Hoffman>, I was motivated to take pictures of a couple of MOCs based on scenes from the library where I work: (2 URLs) I'd love to know what you think (especially any (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX) !
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