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Re: Cruisette Travel Trailer and 50s cars
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 00:34:42 GMT
866 times
In, Stefan Garcia wrote:
Hi all,

Don't often post to .town, but I've finally finished (v1s at least) a few
1950s-style cars.

First is my Travel Trailer (photographed in an authentic campground
setting!). It's based on a 1951 15' Cruisette Travel Trailer by Airstream.
It's got SNOT ends, and even SNOT-tier end windows.  Btw, if anyone has an
idea on how to make a working but really thin door, I'd love to hear it.





Hi Stefan!

This trailer is very nice!  Excellent work!  You did an amazing job with the
SNOT for the front window!

I may have something for the door.  It's "kind of" a sliding door.  The good
thing is that it keeps the original look when closed.  When open, you can see
the hinge but not that much.  Anyways, you'll see! :-)

Door closed:

Door open:

I tried it but without the whole trailer so, let me know if it works!  :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Cruisette Travel Trailer and 50s cars
(...) Thanks! About half of building the trailer was thinking how to get that durn window in. (...) The Cruisette's door opens more like a fridge door, but I'll give this a try as it looks like it might work that way too (plus, it's downright (...) (22 years ago, 20-Aug-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Cruisette Travel Trailer and 50s cars
Hi all, Don't often post to .town, but I've finally finished (v1s at least) a few 1950s-style cars. First is my Travel Trailer (photographed in an authentic campground setting!). It's based on a 1951 15' Cruisette Travel Trailer by Airstream. It's (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 

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