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  anyone done a lego macdonalds?
I have seen KFC and dunkin donuts and other stores but has anyone ever done a lego macdonalds? (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) As you may or may not already know, there is a small official McDonald's set (#3438). I don't remember anyone doing one of their own, but if someone were to do so there are McDonald's employee figs out there to be had. Cheers, Bryan (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) Yes, I saw a few... Here is mine: (URL) #1 (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) Well, LEGO(r) has done a McDonalds(r)... But there are several on the web. MichLTC's Peter Guenther did one which appeared at the last two GATS shows. Here are some pic links From GR GATS in July '01 (URL) (and others in the folder) (URL) (and (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to,
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) Aah yes, the 3438. Forgot about that one. Anyone got instruction or sticker scans for it? (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) I think it's still for sale, or was until recently, from LD. I know it's also available on BrickLink. Here's a link to another McDonalds: (URL) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
Jonathan Wilson wrote in message <>... (...) set (...) I have spare instructions and sticker sheets for these. If you want some you can have them for the cost of postage (US$1) Kevin ---...--- TOWN Lego Building contest! (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) {many wonderful McD's references snipped} (...) Yep, here is Steve Barile's: (URL)I know you didn't ask about hot dogs but: (...) I *love* that weinermobile! -- Tony Hafner (23 years ago, 25-Feb-02, to,
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
scans can be found at: (URL) Wilson" <> wrote in message (...) set (...) (23 years ago, 26-Feb-02, to
  Re: anyone done a lego macdonalds?
(...) Pierre, I think it's very cute :) But I have to ask... "do I see a Pizza there?" hehe... (unless you have McPizza there?) I know here in Brisbane (Australia), at this stage we don't! Mel (23 years ago, 26-Feb-02, to

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